Tips To Avoid Injury When Doing Home Improvements
When considering taking on a home improvement project, there are many things you may consider. Cost will be high on the list, but what you are going to need? Many of us will probably neglect to include ourselves on this list. It is imperative that proper thought is given to safety when decorating so that a project can be enjoyable and injury free.
This will be high on the list in terms of setting up shop and making sure you have a good clear area to work in, that all necessary equipment is in working order and to hand, dust sheets and covers are laid down to protect furniture and that surfaces are prepared properly.
Typically though, we may forget about our personal well being. Whilst it is important to prepare everything for the project, you should also prepare yourself. Treat it like a workout and warm up properly. You’ll be using muscles that don’t usually get a workout in day to day activities (and that you may not even know exist!). Stretch and limber up beforehand to avoid any painful twinges and strains that may slow up your progress. You are the main tool and if you are injured, the job just won’t get done.
Think about what you are going to wear. Most of us probably just dig out a pair of old jeans and a t-shirt from the back of the wardrobe, but whilst this is certainly cost-effective, it may not be sufficient to prevent injury.
Specific workwear can protect you from splinters and scrapes and contact with paint and harmful chemicals, often have pockets for kneepads to prevent wear and tear on joints and have the added benefits of utility pockets to keep your tools/brushes/pencil/phone at hand to keep you on task and avoid wasting valuable time searching for the hammer which has slipped under the dust covers never to be seen again!
Long-sleeved tops and durable but comfortable trousers are a good idea and where appropriate, protect your head, hands and feet with with protective footwear, hard hats and work gloves. Tie long hair back and remove jewellery to prevent anything being caught in any machinery being used.
Eyes & Ear Protection
When sawing, sanding or performing any activity which can generate large amounts of dust, wearing protective eyewear will save your eyes being damaged by any wayward debris and you can reduce your exposure to potentially hazardous dust with a mask.
Ear plugs and defenders will dull any loud noise from power tools and machinery. Protective gear is not just for those in the industry. You can buy online from companies like who are selling good quality brands at prices which don’t cost the earth, so there’s no excuse!
Be Realistic
Schedule your time well and give yourself achievable targets. Allow time for breaks to re-fuel and re-hydrate – but try not to be too still to keep muscles warm and limber. Accidents often happen when placing self-imposed time pressures, trying to finish a project in a shorter time frame, from being tired from working too long to get finished and making short cuts.
Take your time and enjoy what you are doing, then you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labour injury free.